Know. Grow. Go.
Sunday's Schedule
9:00 am - Traditional Worship Service
10:00 am - Sunday School (children/youth/adults)
11:00 am - Contemporary Worship Service

Every 65 seconds, someone in the United States develops Alzheimer’s dementia, and it’s often left to loved ones to become part- or full-time caregivers. Most of these caregivers provide unpaid care, and also juggle other jobs and responsibilities. MemoryCare.com was founded to provide support for caregivers who feel overwhelmed and isolated, as well as those in the early stages of memory and cognitive impairment.
MemoryCare.com’s mission is to support older adults living with memory impairment and their families by using the latest, data-driven research and collaborating with memory care experts to provide resources that are accessible to all who are in need. Whether you are in the early stages of memory or cognitive impairment or care for a loved one in the later stages, MemoryCare.com has tools that can help.17
Based on our research and conversations we have had with community leaders throughout the US, there has been a significant increase in older Americans facing homelessness due to rising inflation and housing costs. Emergency homeless shelters nationwide report more seniors seeking help over the past year, many of whom could no longer make rent or couldn't find a new place to live after their homes were sold out from under them.
In response to this urgent need, we have created a series of comprehensive resources designed to help and support seniors suddenly experiencing financial hardship and housing instability. You can learn more about our resources here, which include:
Caring.com is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones. We have been featured by AARP, The Administration for Community Living, The National Legal Resource Center, and Forbes, as well as referenced by many governmental agencies and organizations across the Internet.

Doubling Gap Center, once a turn of the century luxurious resort, is a year-round retreat center located nine miles north of Newville, PA. This unique facility and its 150 acres are nestled within the 'doubling gaps' of the Blue Mountain. DGC hosts churches, youth groups, Christian fellowships, and other organizations who come looking for relaxation and renewal. Doubling Gap Center has been touching lives since 1946.
Camp YoliJwa (YOuth LIving Jesus' WAy) is the Christian Camping Ministry of the Eastern Regional Conference Churches of God. The YoliJwa program consists of fifteen weeks of summer camp and four different weekend retreats. Camp YoliJwa is designed to provide an opportunity for children, youth and adults to share in Christian living experiences. Camp YoliJwa has been touching lives since 1934.