Know. Grow. Go.
Sunday's Schedule
9:00 am - Traditional Worship Service
10:00 am - Sunday School (children/youth/adults)
11:00 am - Contemporary Worship Service
Teamwork & Fun at PCOG

Prayer Shawls
Ladies of our church spend time in knitting and crocheting prayer shawls which are shared with members of our congregation and others outside our congregation. A prayer card is given with each prayer shawl. The purpose of this ministry is to “wrap” each person who receives a shawl in love and prayer. To get further information about this small group’s ministry, please contact the church office at 717.233.0160.

Altar Guild
Members of our Altar Guild take altar flowers following services to persons who are sick, hospitalized, homebound, etc. It is our way of sharing the beauty of these flowers with those needing a visit and a reminder that we are praying for their needs.

Dartball Team
This team of men and teenagers (Sr. High to Adult) participates in a local church league in the fall, winter and spring of the year. For further information on the Dartball Team, please contact the church office at 717.233.0160.

Operation Christmas Child
Each year, our church gathers materials to be packed into shoeboxes and sent throughout the world through Samaritan’s Purse. The contact person for this ministry is Diane Brame. For questions, or to donate items for this outreach ministry, please contact Diane through the church office at 717.233.0160.
For further information about these study opportunities, please contact the church office at 717.233.0160.

Fall Family Weekend
Each year members and families venture off to beautiful Camp YoliJwa in the Doubling Gap mountains for a weekend of fun, family, food and fellowship. The weekend kicks off with a bonfire on Friday evening where hot dogs are cooked over the fire and, of course, s'mores are the dessert. There are various activities planned for all ages on Saturday or you can just relax on the porch rocking chair, take a walk on the trails or even take a nap. Saturday dinner is the Camp's famous BBQ chicken followed by entertainment. After breakfast on Sunday, everyone gathers for a special worship service. When lunch is over, it is time to pack up, clean up and make the trek back to civilization.